
Aiosyn was awarded a NWO Take-off Phase 2 project

By Wouter Bulten
22 December, 2021

Nijmegen, The Netherlands – LUMO Labs’ pre-seed investment vehicle LUMO Fund II TTT AI announces an investment in Aiosyn B.V.. Aiosyn’s clinical diagnostics platform uses AI-powered Aiosyn, a company that develops AI-powered pathology algorithms for clinical diagnostics and life sciences, was awarded early-phase funding of Eur 250.000 by NWO (Dutch Research Council).

Aiosyn, a company that develops AI-powered pathology algorithms for clinical diagnostics and life sciences, was awarded early-phase funding of Eur 250.000 by NWO (Dutch Research Council). This additional funding allows Aiosyn to accelerate its mission: increasing the adoption of artificial intelligence in pathology diagnostics and improving the chances of cancer patients worldwide.

Aiosyn is developing AI-powered algorithms to augment pathologists with clinical decision-making. Aiosyn is a spin-off from Radboudumc, a frontrunner in computational pathology research.

“With this project, Aiosyn will further invest in developing the quality management system for our clinical diagnostics platform and integrate our lead algorithm into clinical practice”, says Patrick de Boer, CEO of Aiosyn.

About Take-off

Founders of start-ups who have acquired or own knowledge from Dutch universities can apply for this early-phase funding. This can be done through Take-off phase 2, a program aimed at stimulating and supporting activity and entrepreneurship from the (applied) sciences. Take-off is a science-wide funding instrument of ZonMw and NWO and is funded by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy and the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science.

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