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NephroPath platform

Through the NephroPath platform, we provide a detailed evaluation of histological biomarkers in preclinical and clinical kidney samples1. Our AI-based quantification offers reproducible, consistent, fast, and more detailed scoring of renal pathology biomarkers compared to traditional human reading.

Explore our image analysis services and partner with us to improve your (pre)clinical studies.

1. The NephroPath platform is for Research Use Only and should not be used for diagnostic procedures.

Whole rat kidney analysis

Automated quantification and multi-class prediction on an entire rat kidney through the NephroPath platform. Notable classes include normal tubuli, atrophic/dilated tubuli, glomeruli, abnormal/sclerotic glomeruli, arteries, and interstitium.

How can we assist your team?

  • Detailed reports on kidney tissue analysis swiftly upon data submission.
  • Precise quantification to improve the reproducibility of results.
  • Improved objectivity of pathologist’s assessments in multi-center (pre)clinical studies.
  • Customized projects for new and existing biomarkers.

Segmentation of main tissue classes

Our AI can accurately segment relevant kidney structures, among which: (sclerotic) glomeruli, proximal/distal/atrophic tubuli, arteries & capsule. Leveraging this data, we can provide a wide variety of quantitative and spatial measurements, such as the number of glomeruli in a biopsy or the tissue area consisting of interstitium.

AI-Powered quantification of fibrosis

Renal fibrosis is a key biomarker for CKD progression and for prognosis of kidney transplantation. Current scoring systems are based on crude semi-quantitative assessments, limited to the capability of the human eye. AI-based fibrosis quantification yields an objective and precise measurement that can aid pathologists and biopharma services with their assessments.

Localization and counting of glomeruli

The assessment of glomeruli is a quality assessment of every renal sample. NephroPath GlomeruCount provides a quantitative glomerular count, boosting the efficiency of kidney tissue evaluations.

Glomeruli analysis

Glomeruli are identified and classified by NephroPath GlomeruCount. In addition, the total and specific areas are calculated and shown in μm².

Kidney Scientific Advisory Board

NephroPath platform news

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