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Aiosyn, Radboudumc, NKI, Mayo Clinic, and partners have been awarded 1.8M KWF grant to deliver AI-based assessment of existing and new histopathological biomarkers in breast cancer

By Anna Correas Grifoll
04 September, 2023


Nijmegen, the Netherlands – Aiosyn, a medical software company that develops AI-powered pathology solutions, has been awarded the prestigious KWF (Dutch Cancer Society) grant as part of an international consortium in collaboration with Radboud university medical center, Mayo Clinic, Netherlands Cancer Institute (NKI), APSS Hospital, UNIBS Hospital, IRCC Hospital, German Breast Group, and the Medical University Vienna. The project will develop and validate AI for breast cancer grading and validate new computational biomarkers. This may lead to a new digital biomarker strategy that will support therapeutic decision-making for important breast cancer subgroups.

Traditional visual evaluations conducted by pathologists often lack the accuracy needed to classify cancer patients into sufficiently uniform risk groups. This can lead to both over and under treatment. The project aims to harness the power of artificial intelligence to revolutionize the assessment of microscopic images of breast cancer tissue, utilizing large existing cohorts acquired from international partners. 

With an exceptional team of international partners, COMMITMENT is poised to transform breast cancer therapy selection through the application of computational biomarkers. Aiosyn’s algorithms will seamlessly integrate into established digital pathology workflows, with the overarching goal of making significant advancements in the evaluation and care of breast cancer patients on a global scale. 

About Aiosyn

Aiosyn is a Dutch medical software company that develops AI-powered pathology solutions for cancer and kidney diseases. Aiosyn’s solutions are integrated into standard pathology workflows. The Aiosyn team has been built upon 20+ years of research experience in the field of pathology and is rooted in the pathology practice.