Latest News: Aiosyn Mitosis Breast becomes the first AI-powered mitosis detection solution to achieve CE mark certification under IVDR Learn more

Aiosyn Mitosis: Mitotic figure counting

We provide an IVDR-certified application to aid clinical laboratories with the identification of mitotic figures in H&E sections.

The manual process is time-consuming and subject to variability, and there is a need for solutions to increase its efficiency and consistency of results. Aiosyn Mitosis Breast [1] uses deep learning to detect mitosis in whole slide images, saving pathologists time and providing laboratories with a more standard process for assessing tumor growth.

1. Aiosyn Mitosis Breast, for use in clinical diagnostics, has obtained CE-mark certification under the EU IVDR. In addition to Aiosyn Mitosis Breast, we offer Aiosyn Mitosis Research for biopharma and research institutions.

Analysis of Aiosyn Mitosis Breast

Mitotic figures in an H&E stained slide image are identified and highlighted with Aiosyn Mitosis Breast. The deep learning algorithm detects cells undergoing division (mitosis) in whole slide images before the cases are opened for review.

75% pathologists improved efficiency

75% pathologists improved efficiency

The algorithm helps laboratories improve the process of mitosis analysis. In a clinical performance study, 75% of participating pathologists were faster when supported by Aiosyn Mitosis Breast.

32.6% enhancement in consistency

32.6% enhancement in consistency

Aiosyn Mitosis Breast has been shown to reduce variability among observers, leading to a 32.6% improvement in consistency between pathologists.

AI integrated in your workflow

AI integrated in your workflow

Aiosyn Mitosis Research and Aiosyn Mitosis Breast are offered as a modular software solution that can be integrated into existing workflows, removing the need to adopt a different viewer.

Your workflow with Aiosyn Mitosis Breast

Our AI-powered solutions can be integrated with standard workflow providers. Slides are prepared as usual, and the algorithm analyzes images once uploaded to the platform.

Over 90% of surveyed pathologists who tried Aiosyn Mitosis Breast would like to use the algorithm in their daily practice.

Mitotic figure counting
Mitotic figure counting
“I am delighted that we finalized the clinical validation study for Aiosyn Mitosis Breast with Radboudumc. It was an immense project with 28 pathologists from 9 countries participating. Great to see how AI can benefit pathologists in a real clinical setting!”

Wouter Bulten, Chief Innovation Officer of Aiosyn

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